Arizona Termite a Pest to Watch Out For

Termites are a common pest found in many parts of the world, and Arizona is no exception. These insects can cause significant damage to wood structures, including homes, businesses, and other buildings. It is important for property owners in Arizona to be aware of the signs of termite infestation and to take steps to prevent or control these pests.

Types of Termites Found in Arizona

There are several different types of termites that can be found in Arizona, including the desert subterranean termite, the western drywood termite, and the desert dampwood termite. The desert subterranean termite is the most common and destructive type found in the state, as they are capable of building large underground colonies that can cause significant damage to wood structures.

The western drywood termite is less common in Arizona, but they can still be found in some areas and can also cause significant damage to wood structures. The desert dampwood termite is less common than the other two types and is typically found in areas with high moisture levels.

Signs of Termites in Arizona

There are a lot of signs that may indicate a termite infestation in Arizona. These include the presence of swarms of winged termites, called “swarmers,” around the exterior of a building or in the yard; the presence of small, narrow tunnels in wood structures; and the presence of piles of sawdust or small, wood-colored droppings around the base of a building or in crawl spaces.

It is also important to be aware of any unusual changes in the structure of wood, such as sagging or weakening, as these may be indications of termite damage.

Prevention and Control

There are several steps that property owners in Arizona can take to prevent or control termite infestations. These include sealing cracks and gaps in the foundation and exterior walls of a building, removing any wood debris or other sources of cellulose from around the building, and maintaining proper ventilation to reduce moisture levels.

It is also a good idea to have regular inspections conducted by a professional pest control company to check for signs of termites and to identify and treat any infestations as soon as possible.


Termites are a significant pest in Arizona that can cause significant damage to wood structures. It is important for property owners to be aware of the signs of termite infestation and to take steps to prevent or control these pests.

This may include sealing cracks and gaps in the foundation, removing sources of cellulose, and maintaining proper ventilation to reduce moisture levels.

Regular inspections by a professional pest control company can also help to identify and treat any infestations as soon as possible.