Termite Droppings Appearance and Meaning

For many homeowners, Drywood termites can result in significant damage. Drywood termites don’t build their nests in the ground like their subterranean relatives do.

Instead, they build their nests in real wood, which can include the furniture or even the lumber in your house.

Finding termite feces or frass is one indication that your home may be infested with Drywood termites.

Learn how to see frass so you can assess whether you have a pest problem before it gets out of hand.

What is Frass ?

Droppings left behind by Drywood termites are referred to as “frass.” How to identify frass, though, is probably of greater importance to you.

Drywood termites, as you’ve read, actually reside inside of wood. They must therefore locate a place to dispose of their termite waste. They obviously don’t want to travel through tunnels containing their own feces.

Drywood termites tear kick-out holes to create a passageway down which they can “flush” these droppings away.

Their tunnels are now clear and open. Consequently it leads to frass, which can resemble sawdust, tiny sand grains, or little heaps of salt and pepper that have accumulated on your floor.

Are Termite Droppings Toxic?

Excrement from termites does not poison people or spread illnesses. After all, termites only eat organic materials.

There is no need to be concerned about termite feces having a bad effect on the health of your family or pets.

However, because the excrement is similar to sawdust, touching it could cause skin discomfort.

Avoid termite dust heaps or termite wood shavings if you have asthma or any other respiratory illness because they may make your symptoms worse.

Hire a professional to carefully dispose of the waste or debris, or remove it yourself while wearing safety gear.

Termite Droppings Description

they hardly ever leave! The termite plugs the opening after selecting its location and starts to tunnel.

As a result, homeowners could struggle to spot signs of an infestation other than Drywood termite dung and kick-out holes.

The oval-shaped Drywood termite droppings resemble sawdust, crushed pepper, or grains of sand.

Depending on the type of wood the termite consumes, the color of the Drywood termite frass will change.

The dry frass should have six concave sides and be as little as a millimeter, according to homeowners.

Are Termite Droppings Bad for Your Health?

One typically worries about their health when they realize that a termite infestation can leave them with a lot of termite waste and damage.

After all, we are aware that various pests and insects carry disease. Fortunately, you and your dogs don’t need to worry about getting sick.

Termites consume cellulose, which does not result in compromised termite feces.

This does not imply that your health won’t be affected. Like mentioned before a termite infestation can make your allergies or respiratory problems worse if you have them.

Determining if Termite Droppings Are New or Old?

Unfortunately, it is difficult to determine if the droppings are new or old. The truth is that it makes no difference how old these droppings are.

Termites will stay active inside your home for years if you have them. Therefore, whether the droppings are old or new, they might serve as a warning that a termite examination is necessary.

How to Prevent Termites?

There are precautions you can take if you’ve had an inspection and been told there are no termites present.

  • Verify for leakage

Termites like wetness and moist environments. Without access to water, subterranean termites cannot survive.

Establish a routine to look for leaks so you can address the problem immediately.

  • immaculate gutters

Termites look for warm, damp, dark places to live. You can slightly reduce the appeal of your home to termites by cleaning your gutters.

  • Patch up crevices and cracks

Fill up any cracks and fissures, particularly those near joints or points of division.

These areas are frequently used by them to look for food sources and get access to interior woodwork.

  • Locate A New Location for Kindling

Kindling and firewood are often stacked against houses in the United States. If you don’t want termites, we are here to advise you that this is not a good practice.

These conditions are ideal for subterranean termites, who will enter your home through the foundation. It is much preferable to store your wood in its shed away from the house.

Additionally, this implies that you shouldn’t keep substantial pieces of wood and tree stumps outside in your yard.

Termites will discover your gigantic beacon once you’ve left it outside.

Use Mulch Carefully If you are utilizing wood mulch, think about your options. Termites sure love a feast of wood mulch. 


Once you find signs of a home infestation, the best response is to call the pest control experts.

We know that termites can be tricky to treat, so these pests will not go away quickly because of the free large meals they can get from your home.

It is safe to say that hiring a professional is a more efficient solution than taking the risk with DIY remedies.