Every year, termites damage U.S. homes to the tune of billions of dollars. Homeowners should be aware of the signs ...

Seeing holes in a wooden building can be scary, especially if you don’t know what caused them. Several kinds ...

Termites can cause a lot of damage to your home or any other property. Even though this is common knowledge, some ...

Termites have been around for more than 100 million years, which is hard to believe. If you see a termite, you ...

The worst thing that can happen to a homeowner is to come home one night and find termites in the walls, ...

Whether you have termites now or you’ve had them in the past, you may be wondering if they can come back ...

Mayflies, green lacewings, and flying ants are the most likely winged insects you’ll find in your home that ...

Termites are every homeowner’s worst nightmare because they can cause thousands of dollars’ worth of damage ...

For many homeowners, Drywood termites can result in significant damage. Drywood termites don’t build their ...

Termites like damp places and can find them fairly quickly. Mulch keeps the area damp and makes it easy for plants ...