Introduction to Termites Termites are insects that are commonly found in warm, humid climates around the world. ...

Introduction to termite mud nests Termite mud nests, also known as termite mounds, are structures built by certain ...

A termite fogger is a pest control tool that uses a chemical fog to kill termites and other insects. It works by ...

Termites are a common pest found in many parts of the world, and Arizona is no exception. These insects can cause ...

Termite larvae feed on materials such as wood, paper products and other cellulose-containing items. They are an ...

Termite poop, also called frass, is made up of tiny pellets that vary in color depending on the type of wood they ...

Termites do have the capability to bite, but it is not common. They mostly rely on their mandibles to feed and ...

What Are Termite Mud Tubes Termite mud tubes are made of soil and saliva, and are between 1/4- to 3/4-inches in ...

Termite eggs are small, white and oval-shaped. They are typically less than 1/16th of an inch in length and have a ...

Termite damage and wood rot can both cause significant structural harm to a home. While they may seem similar, the ...